Discover the healing power of Reiki!

Reiki is a hands-on energetic healing system founded in Japan by Dr. Miako Usui and has spread throughout the world in the last 100 years. The name of this healing modality comes from two Japanese words: Rei meaning “a higher power” and Ki which is “life force energy.” Though Reiki may seem spiritual in nature, it is not associated with any particular faith. Reiki treats the whole person including body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Reiki is an excellent healing modality that can be used separately or in conjunction with other massage techniques. Reiki is very effective for self-treatment and helps support other forms of treatment you may be receiving. Dr. Sundquist teaches Reiki to small groups, but especially loves teaching to individuals on a one-on-one basis. Both courses can be taken as a weekend long intensive or over the course of a month (one weekday evening per week for 4 consecutive weeks). Reiki I & II material is usually covered in 12 hours. Reiki Master material takes 6 hours to cover. Tuition for both classes is $250.

Reiki I & II

Reiki I & II is for those who wish to pursue Reiki as a career and for those who are seeking to optimize their own health through self-treatment. In this level, students will:

  1. Learn the history and origin of the Usui reiki healing system.

  2. Receive attunements for two Reiki I symbols.

  3. Receive attunement for the third Reiki II symbol.

  4. Practice reiki self-treatment demonstrating proper posture and hand placement.

  5. Demonstrate proficiency in grounding techniques.

  6. Practice treatment of others to include possible treatment areas.

  7. Know and apply proper clearing techniques at the end of a reiki session.

Reiki Master

Reiki Master class is an advanced class for those who are proficient in Reiki I & II and wish to further their training. In the Reiki Master class, students will:

  1. Receive attunement to three new Reiki symbols; two for treatment and one for passing attunements.

  2. Learn different ways to do distance healing using Reiki.

  3. Learn how to clear rooms or houses energetically.

  4. Learn and practice how to pass Reiki attunements to others.