My Story

I’m Susanne and I am passionate about helping my clients find their best health. It’s been more than 20 years since I stepped onto the path towards healing and healthy living. I know all too well the look of desperation when you have pursued all traditional medicine and still suffer from chronic conditions. I know what it is like to suffer daily, not knowing when symptoms are going to interrupt your daily living. I know how it is to feel isolated with a condition that seems invisible. I know how important it is to have hope. My challenge with chronic illness is what led me to becoming a craniosacral therapist helping others overcome health challenges.

I pursued a college education receiving a bachelor of science in chemistry, psychology, and secondary education from Grand Canyon University.  I went to Arizona State University for my Ph.D. in chemistry and education.  I spent 18 years as a chemistry professor before a serious health crisis changed the course of my life...

I became desperately ill with heavy metal poisoning.  The best allopathic doctors could not find anything wrong with me and six months passed with my health deteriorating to the point that I felt near death.  My neurological system was making it difficult to walk, talk, or even think clearly.  Once I was finally diagnoseI became desperately ill with heavy metal poisoning.  The best allopathic doctors could not find anything wrong with me and six months passed with my health deteriorating to the point that I felt near death.  My neurological system was making it difficult to walk, talk, or even think clearly.  Once I was finally diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning, it took more than 13 years of doctors, pills, and therapies.  I went through a very difficult couple of years with IV chelation therapy.  There were days that I thought I wouldn’t make it, and there were days that I didn’t want to.  

During this chronic illness, I was introduced to craniosacral therapy.  I got weekly craniosacral therapy treatments to help me through the worst part of my chelation therapy.  I found that it helped with my balance and my mental clarity.  Above all, I felt supported and I felt emotionally uplifted. Lymphatic drainage massage also really helped ease my healing process.  Dealing with a chronic illness was very taxing emotionally and bodywork helped support me through that process.

My experience with chronic illness enables me to treat people in similar situations with compassion.  I love using craniosacral therapy and lymphatic drainage massage to bring nurturing and healing to those in a health crisis.  I look forward to sharing my passion for healing and health with you.  If you are going through a difficult healing time or chronic illness, I want you to know that you are coming to a therapist that knows how difficult that is first hand.   

As part of my ongoing commitment to my health and wellness, I continue to take classes and read books to broaden my understanding and to put “more tools in my tool belt.” I’m eager to share this wealth of knowledge distilled into the classes that I teach. I love teaching in a small group setting or on a one-on-one basis. It’s so rewarding to watch my students and clients gain skills and knowledge that benefit their day to day health and makes our craniosacral therapy sessions together even more outstanding.

Feel free to contact me with any questions that you might have regarding craniosacral therapy or my experience. I’d be happy to speak with you!

Susanne E. Sundquist, PhD, LMT, CST.


Dr. Susanne Sundquist is a certified advanced craniosacral therapist with her own practice in Tempe, AZ. In addition to craniosacral therapy, she uses lymphatic drainage massage to help promote healing. Susanne is also a Reiki Master and is a skilled energy healer.

“I believe in the body’s natural capacity for healing. My job is to remove the restrictions that exist in the body that may be preventing the healing process. I listen to the body and incorporate different modalities into a person’s healing journey. Craniosacral therapy is my main focus. I am honored to be a part of a person’s healing journey. Every day I have the pleasure of witnessing people realizing their maximum health potential and healing from old wounds, both physical and emotional. I consider being a healer a sacred trust and being invited into someone’s healing journey a deep honor.”