
Craniosacral therapy is a light touch modality that focuses on removing restrictions within the central nervous system and connective tissue throughout the body to restore proper cerebral spinal fluid production and cranial sacral rhythm. The body then can heal itself of pain and disease.

Craniosacral therapy is especially effective for central nervous system challenges including:

  • Migraine headaches

  • Toxic exposure

  • Visual disturbances

  • Vertigo and balance issues

  • TMJ

  • Birth trauma & colic

  • Brain and spinal cord injury

  • Seizures

Perhaps even more importantly, CST has been effective in alleviating emotional and cognitive difficulties:

  • Depression

  •  Anxiety & Stress

  • Attention deficit

  • Insomnia

  • Learning difficulties

  • Autism

  • Stress


What does a craniosacral therapy session look like?

Craniosacral therapy is a fully clothed modality where the client lays face up on a massage table while the craniosacral therapist uses minimal pressure (5g or less) to assess and treat the body. The craniosacral session begins with the therapist ascertaining the health of the central nervous system through the cranial sacral rhythm. As cerebral spinal fluid cycles through production and reabsorption, the cranium and entire body responds through phases of flexion and extension. The craniosacral therapist assesses the cranial sacral rhythm for symmetry, quality, amplitude, and rate. The various holds that the craniosacral therapist employs is intended to facilitate release of restrictions within any sutures, membranes, connective tissue, and within the brain itself. The craniosacral therapist monitors the body for signs of release and other potential restriction sites.

What does this feel like for the person receiving craniosacral therapy?

Craniosacral therapy stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system…the rest and digest part. A session can feel very peaceful and often people drift into a light sleep. Clients often feel heat and pulsing from the area of the body releasing restrictions. A craniosacral therapy session can also involve somatoemotional release. Simply put, our bodies record the events of our life. Release of a restriction within the body that has its origin in physical or emotional trauma often releases the accompanying emotion as well. A craniosacral therapist skilled in somatoemotional release helps to facilitate that release in the gentlest way possible.

How many craniosacral therapy sessions will I need?

Healing is as individual as the people coming in for craniosacral therapy. CST is a gentle approach; honoring the pace of the body. Generally, the body will release what can be integrated on that particular day. The innate intelligence of the body will present the next restriction to be released as it has successfully integrated previous changes. Think of it like peeling back the layers of an onion. The outermost layer is pulled off first to reveal the deeper layers. Chronic conditions may have many layers to work through. With that being said, when a client comes in for craniosacral therapy, it is advisable to come in weekly or bi-weekly for a few sessions to ascertain how readily the body will release restrictions and integrate change.

Should craniosacral therapy be used for maintenance health care?

Craniosacral therapy is an excellent way to keep improving your health and strengthening your immune system. Some clients like to come in for maintenance care every month or so while others come in only when they are having an issue. In my opinion, preventative care is well worth the time and money. It has been said, “It’s easier to stay well than to get well.” Certainly after the pandemic of 2020, we can all see the value of optimizing health to withstand potential illness and stress.